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Team Blog

  • Can Deer see Blaze Orange?

    Wade takes a semi deep dive into the eyesight of deer. What they actually see and ways of avoiding detection....
  • Team member hunts

    This is a yarn about co-founder Jarrod's second Tahr rut hunt, a follow on from the previous yarn.
  • Team member hunts

      The start of winter brings with it high levels of anticipation, chasing rutting bull Tahr and Chamois. Jarrod was lucky enough to sneak two wint...
  • Hunting nutrition for multi-day hunts

    Hunting nutrition for multi-day hunts.
  • Tips for hunting during summer and autumn

    A few simple tips to help deal with typical summer and autumn conditions, while alpine hunting in New Zealand.
  • Red Stag Roar And Wapiti Ballot

    Here is some content to get you flared up for the roar.